
welcome everyone to Swift & iOS | WhatsApp Chat | MVVM | Firestore socket course

here you'll build a complete chat app like WhatsApp and any chat app,

That is the only course have all these features in one course, in this course you're building 100% code without a storyboard at all

In Addition, build create custom UIview components like labels images in one line, also you'll build and learn:

  • build an app using Swift UIKit and MVVM pattern

  • add the firebase as the backend

  • create socket chat connections between all the users

  • login in with the user / with Google sign in

  • Add unread message count to the user for the count for all unread massages

  • separates all the conversations by the days

  • add share media Photos and videos from Gallery or from Camera

  • record your nice voice in the chat

  • Share location by current location or from Google maps

  • edit your profile

  • add search controller and delete the conversations

  • parse the data between controller one-to-many and many to many


At the end of this course, your level in Swift will be increased and you'll able to build apps in UIkit 100% without Storyboard, we'll focus to build awesome UIview components in the best ways

and of course, you can add this app or add this chat module to your project and publish it to the AppStore


welcome everyone to Swift & iOS | WhatsApp Chat | MVVM | Firestore socket course

here you'll build a complete chat app like WhatsApp and any chat app,

That is the only course have all these features in one course, in this course you're building 100% code without a storyboard at all

In Addition, build create custom UIview components like labels images in one line, also you'll build and learn:

  • build an app using Swift UIKit and MVVM pattern

  • add the firebase as the backend

  • create socket chat connections between all the users

  • login in with the user / with Google sign in

  • Add unread message count to the user for the count for all unread massages

  • separates all the conversations by the days

  • add share media Photos and videos from Gallery or from Camera

  • record your nice voice in the chat

  • Share location by current location or from Google maps

  • edit your profile

  • add search controller and delete the conversations

  • parse the data between controller one-to-many and many to many


At the end of this course, your level in Swift will be increased and you'll able to build apps in UIkit 100% without Storyboard, we'll focus to build awesome UIview components in the best ways

and of course, you can add this app or add this chat module to your project and publish it to the AppStore


Crie Jogos Do Estilo Roguelike

Estruturas de games incríveis com grande quantidade de aleatoriedade (como em todo bom roguelike). Um sistema de vida fantástico com código simples e 100% explicado e reutilizado também para mana e xp, construindo três estruturas importantes para games com uma única logica de código, a reutilização pratica e a simplicidade para iniciantes, com código explicado linha a linha.

Um Sistema de combate brilhante, com código baseado em colisão e condicionais, supersimples e compreensível para iniciantes, com sistema de IA perfeito, onde o inimigo persegue e ataca o player dentro de uma distância, que é a distância do colisor com trigger, além do inimigo atacar o jogador e o jogador atacar o inimigo.

Um Sistema de passagem de fase implementado com um Random, onde ao adentrar uma área, definida por um colisor com trigger, ele irá passar de fase, pra uma das opções definidas na Random, cada fase tem algumas opções, performando assim perfeitamente a estrutura tão famosa de games roguelike que define o gênero.

Além de construirmos todo o game para windows, nós construímos uma estrutura fantástica multiplataforma, onde através de um valor inteiro, chamado plataforma, modificável pelo inspector, nós podemos selecionar a plataforma para qual nosso jogo se destinar. Com os valores de 0 e 1, sendo 0 para windows e 1 para mobile, a simples alteração desse valor, reestrutura todo o projeto do game para a plataforma selecionado, com configuração ponto a ponto toda modelada multiplataforma. A estrutura é facilmente reutilizável para outros projetos.


Crie Jogos Do Estilo Roguelike

Estruturas de games incríveis com grande quantidade de aleatoriedade (como em todo bom roguelike). Um sistema de vida fantástico com código simples e 100% explicado e reutilizado também para mana e xp, construindo três estruturas importantes para games com uma única logica de código, a reutilização pratica e a simplicidade para iniciantes, com código explicado linha a linha.

Um Sistema de combate brilhante, com código baseado em colisão e condicionais, supersimples e compreensível para iniciantes, com sistema de IA perfeito, onde o inimigo persegue e ataca o player dentro de uma distância, que é a distância do colisor com trigger, além do inimigo atacar o jogador e o jogador atacar o inimigo.

Um Sistema de passagem de fase implementado com um Random, onde ao adentrar uma área, definida por um colisor com trigger, ele irá passar de fase, pra uma das opções definidas na Random, cada fase tem algumas opções, performando assim perfeitamente a estrutura tão famosa de games roguelike que define o gênero.

Além de construirmos todo o game para windows, nós construímos uma estrutura fantástica multiplataforma, onde através de um valor inteiro, chamado plataforma, modificável pelo inspector, nós podemos selecionar a plataforma para qual nosso jogo se destinar. Com os valores de 0 e 1, sendo 0 para windows e 1 para mobile, a simples alteração desse valor, reestrutura todo o projeto do game para a plataforma selecionado, com configuração ponto a ponto toda modelada multiplataforma. A estrutura é facilmente reutilizável para outros projetos.


In this course, you will learn to create JARVIS AI [Mark-I] Android App using JAVA. Throughout this course, you will be working on JARVIS AI Assistant (MARK - I)Android App Using JAVA Programming Similar to Marvel's Iron Man Movie.

This app will show you how you can use your voice to control your phone. You can set up a variety of commands to suit your needs, just like you would with any virtual assistant.

This app is designed for Android smartphones and tablets. JARVIS AI is an artificial intelligence program that can recognize and respond to voice commands.

It is named after the fictional character from the Iron Man series of comics and movies.

We will use speech recognition and the Text-to-Speech engine of Google to create our app. Also, we will use Google's Speech API

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most emerging technologies of today. It has got a lot of scope in today's world.

Features Of Advance AI Assistant (JARVIS MARK - I)

1. Text To Speech

2. Speech To Text

3. Time & Date Update

4. Google Search

5. Open Apps

6. Remember Tasks

7. Weather Updates

8. News Updates

9. Make Calls

10. Send an SMS

11. Play Songs

12. Wikipedia Search

13. Youtube Search

14. Greeting & WishMe

15. Takes Screenshots

And Many More....

What is an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistant?

An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual based on commands or questions.

What is J.A.R.V.I.S AI ?!

  • JARVIS is a Voice-Based AI Assistant which is developed in JAVA Programming Language.

  • It uses Different Technologies To Add New Unique Features.

  • It can Automate Tasks with just One Voice Command.

  • It is an Android Based AI Assistant.

So what are you waiting for?

Enroll now.


In this course, you will learn to create JARVIS AI [Mark-I] Android App using JAVA. Throughout this course, you will be working on JARVIS AI Assistant (MARK - I)Android App Using JAVA Programming Similar to Marvel's Iron Man Movie.

This app will show you how you can use your voice to control your phone. You can set up a variety of commands to suit your needs, just like you would with any virtual assistant.

This app is designed for Android smartphones and tablets. JARVIS AI is an artificial intelligence program that can recognize and respond to voice commands.

It is named after the fictional character from the Iron Man series of comics and movies.

We will use speech recognition and the Text-to-Speech engine of Google to create our app. Also, we will use Google's Speech API

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most emerging technologies of today. It has got a lot of scope in today's world.

Features Of Advance AI Assistant (JARVIS MARK - I)

1. Text To Speech

2. Speech To Text

3. Time & Date Update

4. Google Search

5. Open Apps

6. Remember Tasks

7. Weather Updates

8. News Updates

9. Make Calls

10. Send an SMS

11. Play Songs

12. Wikipedia Search

13. Youtube Search

14. Greeting & WishMe

15. Takes Screenshots

And Many More....

What is an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Assistant?

An intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) or intelligent personal assistant (IPA) is a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual based on commands or questions.

What is J.A.R.V.I.S AI ?!

  • JARVIS is a Voice-Based AI Assistant which is developed in JAVA Programming Language.

  • It uses Different Technologies To Add New Unique Features.

  • It can Automate Tasks with just One Voice Command.

  • It is an Android Based AI Assistant.

So what are you waiting for?

Enroll now.


Have you ever wanted to create your own chat app? Well, this is for you!

This course will teach you everything you need to know to build your dream chat app. You will learn how to create the server backend and also you will create an Android client app following MVVM Clean Architecture.

The course will use Jetpack Compose,  a modern toolkit for building native Android UI, making development on Android easier and faster.

Ktor Server is a Kotlin framework that allows developers to write server applications. With its help in this course, we will develop a complete group chat server using WebSockets.

Along Ktor Server Side, the Android app will use Ktor Client in order to connect the application to the server with WebSockets. Retrofit will also be used to make HTTP requests to the Chat API.

The demand for Android developers who know Jetpack Compose and have backend knowledge is skyrocketing and if you know them, you will have a higher chance of getting your dream job.

What you will learn:
•   Ktor Server - HTTP requests, WebSockets
•   MongoDB
•   Jetpack Compose
•   Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt
•   Retrofit
•   Ktor Client
•   MVVM Clean Architecture
•   How to make high-quality apps connected to your own backend!

At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate!

Course requirements:
•   You want to make Android apps
•   You know the basics of Jetpack Compose
•   You need a computer, either a PC (Windows, Linux) or a Mac, with an internet connection

About the instructor:
I am an Android developer with 5 years of experience. I have successful apps in Google play (120k+ downloads). I am willing to help and guide anybody who wants to learn how to become a great Android developer!

Enroll today and accelerate your career!

Click the BUY NOW button and start learning. The world needs your apps!


Have you ever wanted to create your own chat app? Well, this is for you!

This course will teach you everything you need to know to build your dream chat app. You will learn how to create the server backend and also you will create an Android client app following MVVM Clean Architecture.

The course will use Jetpack Compose,  a modern toolkit for building native Android UI, making development on Android easier and faster.

Ktor Server is a Kotlin framework that allows developers to write server applications. With its help in this course, we will develop a complete group chat server using WebSockets.

Along Ktor Server Side, the Android app will use Ktor Client in order to connect the application to the server with WebSockets. Retrofit will also be used to make HTTP requests to the Chat API.

The demand for Android developers who know Jetpack Compose and have backend knowledge is skyrocketing and if you know them, you will have a higher chance of getting your dream job.

What you will learn:
•   Ktor Server - HTTP requests, WebSockets
•   MongoDB
•   Jetpack Compose
•   Dependency Injection with Dagger Hilt
•   Retrofit
•   Ktor Client
•   MVVM Clean Architecture
•   How to make high-quality apps connected to your own backend!

At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate!

Course requirements:
•   You want to make Android apps
•   You know the basics of Jetpack Compose
•   You need a computer, either a PC (Windows, Linux) or a Mac, with an internet connection

About the instructor:
I am an Android developer with 5 years of experience. I have successful apps in Google play (120k+ downloads). I am willing to help and guide anybody who wants to learn how to become a great Android developer!

Enroll today and accelerate your career!

Click the BUY NOW button and start learning. The world needs your apps!


You don't need to learn Android/ Java and iOS/ Swift to build real native mobile apps!

Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language (Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDK providing the tooling to compile Dart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UI elements (so called widgets) which you can use to compose your user interfaces.

Flutter is extremely trending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as "ready for production", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!


In this course, we are going to build a flutter chat application using firebase as the backend of this application.


  • Good looking Real-time Messaging Application

  • Finding other Users by searching

  • Realtime Messaging

  • Authentication

  • State Management

  • Handling and validating user input

At the end of this course you will get clear idea about how to use flutter with firebase and how to manage use shared preferences inside an application. Also you will know what are the main important concepts like Future Builders, Stream Builders and etc.

We hope you will get good experience about flutter and this course will lead you to be a mobile developer. Good Luck All !!!

This course is for you if ...

  • You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOS and Android

  • You want to explore the full set of features Flutter offers

  • Don't want to spend hours learning two completely different languages

Course prerequisites:

  • Basic programming language knowledge will help a lot but is not a hard requirement

  • You DON'T need to know Flutter or Dart

  • You DON'T need to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC) or Android (Java)


You don't need to learn Android/ Java and iOS/ Swift to build real native mobile apps!

Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn one language (Dart) and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is a SDK providing the tooling to compile Dart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UI elements (so called widgets) which you can use to compose your user interfaces.

Flutter is extremely trending and gets used for major Google apps like their Adwords app - it's now marked as "ready for production", hence now is the time to jump in and learn it!


In this course, we are going to build a flutter chat application using firebase as the backend of this application.


  • Good looking Real-time Messaging Application

  • Finding other Users by searching

  • Realtime Messaging

  • Authentication

  • State Management

  • Handling and validating user input

At the end of this course you will get clear idea about how to use flutter with firebase and how to manage use shared preferences inside an application. Also you will know what are the main important concepts like Future Builders, Stream Builders and etc.

We hope you will get good experience about flutter and this course will lead you to be a mobile developer. Good Luck All !!!

This course is for you if ...

  • You're interested in building real native mobile apps for the two most popular mobile platforms - iOS and Android

  • You want to explore the full set of features Flutter offers

  • Don't want to spend hours learning two completely different languages

Course prerequisites:

  • Basic programming language knowledge will help a lot but is not a hard requirement

  • You DON'T need to know Flutter or Dart

  • You DON'T need to know iOS (Swift/ObjectiveC) or Android (Java)